Wait, What?
The Sex is Great with Ashley Kelsch
Ep #60: The Stories We Hold On To

Ep #60: The Stories We Hold On To

Listen in today, Renegades, to find out why the stories your brain has on repeat might not be your truth anymore. This experience of seeing my stories for what they are is what brought me home, and what let me finally start writing new ones. In this episode, I’m sharing how you can also examine your stories and decide if you want to keep holding onto them or finally let them go. 

Get full show notes and more information here: https://modernrenegades.com/60

Wait, What?
The Sex is Great with Ashley Kelsch
Get ready to navigate the high’s and low’s of modern dating, sex and relationships. Each week I dive into your brain on dating, real life circumstances and how to overcome them. Lose yourself in the moment, not the (hu)man