Rocket To The Moon with the Osé 2
This Pleasure Object from Lora DiCarlo Brings the Blended O You're Looking For
Earlier in the day I was joking about buying my lover a cage for his cock. We were discussing the pros and cons of cock rings, their purpose and I was telling him that though they were fun and productive in theory, he shouldn’t wear it out for prolonged periods of time. My concern - a real concern- being that the restriction of blood flow for long durations would not be okay and if we were serious, we should consider a cage.
He was like, this is not the least bit serious. To which I was a bit disappointed, but understood and jokingly suggested that maybe I could find a little tiny cage, like the size of a large ring or broche for my clit.
What I visualized as aesthetically quite lovely, though not the least bit practical. Likely not even physically possible.
But that’s exactly where my brain went a few hours later when I positioned the Osé 2 onto my clit. This little sucking device wrapped itself on and around my clit so securely that I felt like she was in a cage.
The most pleasant feeling cage that I would spend my life trapped in given the opportunity.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself though. Let’s walk the cat back, shall we?